Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My First Award!

I was thrilled this weekend when I found out that I received my first blog award!!! Thanks to my cousin, Lauren at Sweets & Treats for the Sugar Doll award!

The rules for this award go a little something like this:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 10 things about yourself.
3. Pass this award on to 10 bloggers you recently discovered who are fantastic and contact them to let me know you picked them for this award.

10 Things About Me:

1. I'm an only child. As my good friend Ellie calls me on a daily basis, figlia unica (only child in Italian). Although, I am an only child, I have 18 first cousins on my Mom's side of the family and 9 first cousins on my Dad's side of the family and I think of them as the brothers and sisters I never had!

2. My Mom is my best friend-always has and always will be. It is hard that we live in different States, but I hope we live closer to each other one day soon! We talk daily both on the phone and through e-mail and usually see each other once a month!

3. I love to travel. Whether it's traveling to a different city, state, or country, traveling excites me! Thomas and I took our first trip abroad together to Spain in May and had a wonderful 10 days. At the end of our trip we made a promise to each other that we would plan a big trip each year from here on out. We are already thinking of places to go next year!

4. I much rather bake than cook. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy doing anything in the kitchen, but I enjoy baking the most. Maybe it has something to do with my endless sweet tooth?

5. I have the best group of girlfriends a girl could ask for! Seriously. Who can say they lived with 8 of their best girlfriends in one house for 2 years during college, not fight, and are still friends years later? We can and we are proud of it! I have the best memories from those two years we lived together. Since graduation, we all still live in the South and see each other a few times every month!

6. Thomas makes my life better in every way. I truly believe you find your significant other when you least expect it. In my case, I was friends with both of Thomas' roommates yet never spent much time around Thomas. I am so happy that we ran in to each other out one evening 3 years ago because he truly is my better half!

7. I enjoy planning-especially parties and trips! I love to entertain and I can't wait to some day have lavish dinner parties and celebrations with family and friends. I look forward to planning these events just as much as I enjoy the actual event.

8. Forever grateful to the University of South Carolina and it's Gamecocks for the best 4 years! I still get chills when I think about attending football games at Williams Brice Stadium and hearing 2001. It was at USC where I made the most amazing friends I could have ever imagined.

9. I have been very blessed. I have the most amazing parents, family, and friends. I am thankful for the good health and fortune God has blessed us with. I consider Miss T a part of the family, she is my little buddy and I can't imagine life without her!

10. I have a true passion for fashion. In all seriousness, I majored in Fashion Merchandising at USC and although I not currently working in the fashion industry, it is my dream that I plan to have come true one day soon.

I award the blogs listed below with the Sugar Doll Award:

1. Laroque

2. Nella Designs

3. Peek through our window

4. Catalog Living

5. Blue-Eyed Bride

6. Preppy in the DMV

7. Fly Through Our Window

8. Erin & Wesley

9. Urban Grace Interiors

10. Puttin' on the G.R.I.T.S

I hope everyone has a great Wednesday and enjoys the blogs I have listed above!

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